On August 15, San Francisco Global Shapers hosted Reese Jones for a ShaperTalk at Google Launchpad.
Reese Jones is the Associate Founder of Singularity University and an Advisor at Facebook. He served on the Genetics Advisory Counsel at Harvard Medical School. He is a biophysicist with experience in innovation, patents, start-ups, entrepreneurship, venture finance, corporate and non-profit governance.
As a venture strategist, Reese has engaged in many startups. He has been involved in some capacity with Netopia, Farallon, Convergence, C-Core, Mediabolic, Rotani, RCDb, WatchWith, Self Health Network, Cambrian Genomics, Focusatwill, FutureMed, SU Labs and Singularity University -- his venture Partnerships include Accel, August, Telesoft, Current Group, and others.
Technologies Reese have worked on include internet broadband infrastructure, smarter power grids, media infrastructure, wireless, drones, brain imaging, post discharge health software services, neuropsychopharmacology, and synthetic biology.
Reese's academic experience is based in biophysics and human brain research at UC Berkeley, LBL, and UCSF. Jones supports public education via UC Berkeley, Wikipedia, Chabot Space Science Center, and he has also served as a Trustee at the Santa Fe Institute.